I acquired an advanced readers copy of his new novel 'Blood's A Rover' just before the holiday season which was great so i could continue my annual James Ellroy holiday reading tradition. So that's what happened, and i admit the book still haunts me. When i finished the book on the train back home i had to sit still for a while and let it all sink down.
The characters used in the book are so accurately and concrete that it seems the reader knew them for all his life. Of course Wayne Tedrow and others are returning characters in James Ellroys universe but still....
Anyway i won't reveal anything concerning the plot till the book is officially published but if you have read 'Blood's A Rover' already like me you're always welcome to leave a comment ;-)
i'm jealous! i've been waiting for this since i finished "the cold 6000". good to hear i can expect something impressive, though...