I recorded this in the early days of my 2nd radio recording career;-). A Marcus Miller show from the North Sea Jazz Fesitval, The Hague in 2002. It's a radio broadcast as far as i may remember, or possoibly a soundrip from a tv broadcast. Anwyay decent sound after all. I thought it fits perfectly with the 'We want Miles' expo in Paris and the concerts Marcus Miller is doin here in Europe these days.
Links are at its usual place.

Marcus Miller
NSJF, The Hague
RB/TB? -) EAC -) HD -) FLAC
1. So What
2. Ann.
3. Lonnie's Lament
4. Killing me Softly
5. When Your Life Is Low
6. Tutu
Marcus Miller el. b.
Michael Stewart tp
Lalah Hathaway voc on 4 & 5
Dean Brown g
Poogie Bell ds
Roger Byam sax
Bruce Flowers keyb